Thank you for visiting our website, the only official site for the Vicksburg Amateur Radio Club. Visit with us at our social media outlets: Facebook group and our Youtube Channel. VARC maintains repeaters on 2M and 70cm which are detailed on the Repeater Activity tab above. We would love to talk with you on the radio!

Recent Activities & Plans:

We welcome you to join us at our monthly meeting, one of our frequent outings for portable operation or service to the community or state, or our Nets. VARC meets on the third Monday of each month at Goldies BBQ, 2430 S Frontage Rd, Vicksburg, MS 39180. While the formal meeting begins at 6:30pm, come early and enjoy the food and fellowship before the gavel.

Eat & Fellowship: 5:30pm

Meeting Gavel Drop: 6:30pm

Non-members are welcomed at our meetings and activities. See if VARC is a good fit for you before joining. Whatever your interest in amateur radio, you will be welcomed and will likely find other hams with complementary interests.

The year 2022 heralded a new slate of officers, committed to broadening the club’s culture and activities to capture more innovations in amateur radio. New VARC President, Chris Dunn AF5OQ, encourages visitors to this website to drop Chris or the other officers an email note at [email protected]. The complete Club officer description is under the About tab.

If you have come across our website looking for amateur radio and think, I already have a cell phone so why bother? Note: it’s actually a radio! And modeled after our “repeater stations” of several decades ago that are even better and more connected today. And around the globe. You are already using radio. But try dialing a random telephone number and expect to have a conversation with the person on the other end (if they answer). You will most always have a conversation using an amateur radio.

Come visit us to see what almost 800,000 licensed U.S. ham operators are already having fun doing with a not-so-different radio!

Radio cell tower at work!