This page includes several information resources for emergency communication activities. VARC sponsors the MissLou Net, connecting participating amateur operators in areas of southwestern Mississippi and eastern Louisiana, in times of weather events and other disasters.

MissLou Net

The Vicksburg ARC manages in cooperation with amateur operators and repeaters in Louisiana a training-and-operation net. This link gives more details and procedures for participating in this network.

Warren County EMA

Website for Warren County EMA


See this link for the NWS Skywarn-Jackson Website.

Weather/Flood Map-Jackson Area

This link contains websites and data for major weather and flooding events from NWS according to the selected place entered into the Search box.

Census Bureau Emergency Response

The U.S. Census Bureau maintains several online tools to facilitate emergency response in times of disaster. Click here to go to VARC’s Census Tools & Apps page.

Vicksburg Area Ham Operators

To identify the location of area amateur radio operators in the Vicksburg area, this external website contains an excellent and maintained website of FCC ULS license holders. Select this link to be transferred to our area hams map page.

Mississippi Traffic Cameras

Live video and still picture feeds from specific traffic cameras operated by the Mississippi Department of Transportation can give remote intelligence on weather and other emergency conditions. Select this link to be transferred to the MDOT Camera Feeds page.

National Traffic System Fillable Forms

ARRL Radiogram

FEMA ICS-213 Message Form