Vicksburg Amateur Radio Club has formed a new group called our Technical Working Group where hams can meet and learn about the more technical side of ham radio. We share our experiences with various projects that we design, build and implement. We meet on the second Thursday of every odd numbered month beginning in January at 6:30 p.m. at the Vicksburg campus of Hinds Community College. Everyone is welcome to join us and you do not have to be a member of VARC. Below is a map of the campus that will help in locating the correct building.
VARC member Ed Schilling KK5ED is leading the development of this group within the overall Club. Ed’s profile and contact info can be found on his page.
If you have any questions, drop us an email at [email protected] or you can email the VARC President, Chris AF5OQ, directly at [email protected]. Hope to see you there!
Scenes from recent meetings of the VARC TWG…
Directions to the Technical Working Group meeting: