The members met on December 16th for the annual Christmas party. A surprise was had by some. Bill (W5WAF) on behalf of the VARC board presented Malcolm (W5XX) and Brent (K5VXV) with a lifetime club membership for being charter members of the club and for their support and achievements throughout the years as members. Also recognized was Lloyd Causey, (K5IMT) SK, Lamion Lamb (K5ZRO) SK, and Bob Marr (WB5YKR) SK. These three were inducted into the VARC Hall of Fame. LLoyd and Lamion were also charter members of VARC. Accepting the award for Lloyd was his daughter, Reba who now has her father’s call sign and Brent accepted the award for his father, Lamion. Kathy Marr (KC5VTN) accepted the award for her husband. One more person recognized for his continued support of the club was Charles Grant, owner of Communications Specialists, Inc in Vicksburg. He as provided the club with technical assistance as well as donations of repeater equipment and other items. Thank you to all past and present!